The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on global supply chains across almost every industry, disrupting order fulfillment and resulting in lost revenue. While global supply chains are projected to return to pre-pandemic trajectories, building a resilient supply chain is critical for navigating similar large-scale emergencies. 

To do so, you need visibility into your products and requirements — without the extraneous information that so often bogs companies down. BDO Digital’s custom NetSuite offerings provide intelligent supply chain solutions that work to achieve this goal in all phases of product development and order fulfillment.

With a robust cloud-based material requirements planning (MRP) system, NetSuite helps improve overall cost-efficiency by estimating raw material quantities, delivery schedules and use-by dates. Receipts management capabilities help simplify financials and accounting, and work order tracking and lot control let you monitor where orders are in the fulfillment process.

Key Features

Purchasing and procurement 

We identify organizations that supply the products you need, aid in the purchasing process and procure the products to be sent out.

Material requirements planning (MRP) 

Our robust cloud-based inventory management system improves productivity by estimating quantities of raw materials with a schedule of their deliveries, and by constantly parsing raw data such as the shelf life of stored materials and bills of lading.

Receipts management 

For every purchase completed, we record receipts of inventory at both outsourced and in-house facilities. This makes financials and accounting easier for your company.

Transfer orders and pricing

We provide automated tracking inventory movements between subsidiaries with correct eliminations and inter-company profit calculations.

Vendor and materials onboarding

Our CMO supply-chain solutions make it simple to onboard new vendors or materials. The process is intuitive, so you don’t waste time when adding new information to the system.

Work orders and assemblies

Easily track all work orders and assemblies, or implement new ones as needed—all in one place.

Lot control and traceability 

Track which supplier lots are used for finished products and where the products end up. This feature allows for full look-back and look-forward through all products.