BDO Digital Oak Brook

Global reach with a local Oak Brook presence.

At BDO Digital, our goal is to help our clients become faster, smarter, and more resilient to change. ​The professionals at our Oak Brook office are dedicated to helping our clients capture the full power of technology, to adapt to disruption, increase operational efficiencies, and uncover new sources of revenue.  

  • Our Oak Brook office is home to a wide range of leaders in strategic technology and business advisory services that support our BDO Digital solutions. We combine strategy with end-to-end execution, delivering measurable business outcomes at every juncture across various industries and sizes, including application development, cloud services, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), IT infrastructure, digital workplace solutions, and systems integration. Our robust team not only implements solutions, we ensure our client’s business is successful at leveraging those solutions to their full potential by providing strategic guidance around digital transformation, IT optimization, software selection, application modernization, and security and compliance.  

    The BDO Digital Oak Brook office is proud to highlight a special partnership that has developed between our team and the Alain Locke Charter School. This partnership developed to help promote technology-driven initiatives within the school, such as starting a robotics club and coding and programming club, as well as fundraising and donating laptops and other technology to help students learn and thrive in today’s technology-driven world. This is a partnership we are proud of, and it serves as a reminder that our role in the community can be more than just business. 

    This year BDO Digital’s Women in Technology (WIT) Community has partnered with the American Cancer Society to host a team for their Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. WIT was founded in 2015 to support women at BDO Digital by offering individual mentorship, career advocacy, access to resources and to promote women role models in a technology workplace.

    BDO Digital has been an excellent advisor in so many ways. We could not be in a position of growth without their knowledge leading the way.
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